Há dias de sorte! Vejam o que recebi por e-mail. Vá, roam-se de inveja... invejosos!
My name is Mr Eric Peter, I work with one of the Banks here in abidjan cote d' lvoire. I am the personal accounts manager to one Engr. Norman. R. Frank, a National of U.S.A from new york, who owned a construction company here in ivory coast (Cote Ivoire)norman construction company my client, his wife, and their three children were involved in the ill fated Kenya Airways crash in the coasts of Abidjan in January 2001 in which all passengers on board died.Since the death of my customer, I have made severalinquiries to his embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives but has been unsuccessful. After several unsuccessful attempts, Idecided to contact you this huge deposit with our bank here in, where the deceased has an account valued at about US$5 million United States dollars. Being the personal a/c manager of the deceased's bank account, the bank has issued me a notice to providethe next of kin/beneficiary or else the bank will declare the account unserviceable and thereby forfeit the funds to the bank treasury. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over the past 2 years now,I hereby seek your consent (with due respect and honour) to present you as the next of kin to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you and then you and I will share the money 50 / 50.All .I require is your honest cooperation to enable us seeing this deal throw However, I urgently need you the following information from you which I have to plase in the computer file of the deceased as next of kin/beneficiary: -1- your full name, -2- your date of birth 3-resident address.and i will like you to send me your telephone and fax for easy communication I guarantee that this will be executed under all legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Need you be interest, kindly reach me via my private email as indicated above for further details. Thanks in advance as I anticipate your maximum cooperation in this regards. Mr Eric Peter
Já recebi este mail há tempos, e olha ainda estou pobre como Job.
ResponderEliminarCom várias contas no gmail, este tipo de spam é o prato do dia. Pelos mails que recebi já devia estar trilionário, com um pénis de metro e meio e com as contas do gmail todas canceladas. Ah já me esquecia dos brasileiros que não conheço de lado nenhum e têm fotos minhas ou da minha mulher com outros.
ResponderEliminarUm abraço
Que sorte a tua!
ResponderEliminarA mim, só me têm proposto negócios da ordem dos 20%, ficando eles (ou elas) com 80% do bolo!!!!
A ti, ao menos, mesmo sendo spam, ainda te propõem dividir a meio os milhões...
Epá... isso é de aproveitar :p
ResponderEliminar# Pinguim, estás pobre? Mas já devias ter recebido a fortuna!
ResponderEliminar# Special K, não percebi a cena dos brasileiros que têm fotos tuas... desses nunca abrimos! Este conseguiu passar o filtro do gmail. Os outros ficam todos no crivo!
# Kapitão, isto só para rir. 20%? Jamais. Obrigado pela visita!
# Francisco, é mesmo! É mesmo?
Eu estou com o special k. Se fosse dar ouvidos já tinha pénis de cetáceo e, no mínimo, 6 pares de mamas gigantescas!
ResponderEliminarSabes a origem da palavra SPAM?
Então vai aqui.
Um abraço.